16 Aug Should Your Photo Booth Take Videos or GIFs?

Your conference guests couldn’t be more excited to snap pictures of themselves in your event’s special photo booth. And as long as they’re sharing positive photos on social media, you have nothing to say but “Snap away!” But contrary to popular belief, photos aren’t the only thing that your booth can give your guests. Both video photo booth and animated GIF photo booth options can take your next conference to a whole new level.
The question is, should your photo booth take videos, or should you stick with GIFs? Which option would your guests honestly enjoy more?
Here’s a rundown on the distinct benefits that video and animated GIF photo booths offer—and which one may best meet your unique needs.
Why Use a Video Photo Booth?
One of the main benefits of having a photo booth that takes videos is videos are extremely engaging. Once your guests share videos of themselves online, people will respond to them by “liking” the content or sharing it, thus drawing more positive attention to your event.

Sure, photos can be engaging as well. But research shows that videos are especially great when it comes to driving engagement with users. In fact, experts say that video yields the best ROI, or return on investment, for companies.
On top of this, videos are known to be a wonderful medium for sharing stories. When your guests post videos of themselves from your video photo booth, the videos will provide a flattering story about your gathering and will ultimately spark positive emotional responses from their online followers.
Why Go with an Animated GIF Photo Booth?
Along with a video photo booth, a GIF photo booth can capture an online user’s attention more effectively than a static photo can. In fact, GIFs are among today’s most popular social media posts.
A GIF booth simply takes a few looping photos and combines them to form a video clip. Then, your guests can share this clip on social media.
GIFs are an easy way to add humor, animation, and nostalgia to your guests’ photo booth encounters. Like videos, GIFs create charming keepsakes that will reach beyond single photograph snapshots. For this reason, they’re a great option if you’re serious about giving your gathering an edge and you want to go beyond the quirky snaps associated with traditional photo booth experiences.
However, what makes GIFs uniquely popular is that they’re extremely fun for event-goers to create, and they’re also very simple to share. In addition, an advantage that GIFs have over videos is that they don’t take as much time to look at, so they’re more likely to be viewed in full when compared with videos.
Elevate Your Guests’ Photo Booth Experiences Today with Videos and GIFs!
Would you like to give your upcoming event’s guests an extra reason to smile this year? Adding an animated GIF or a video photo booth can help you to make this happen.
After all, both types of booths—in their own captivating way—will engage online followers and extend your guests’ memories of your gathering beyond what could be captured via still shots.Get in touch with Pic Station today to find out how you can reserve a video or GIF booth to make your event more memorable.